We’re busy collectinggarden ‘black gold’

Arundel Castle Gardens during November: Working with Her Grace the garden team is very busy at time of year planting trees.

We are lifting and dividing our herbaceous perennial borders including our dahlias and canna lilies which have now been potted on and put into our polytunnels.

New plans in The Collector Earl’s garden are taking place, using a digger we have removed the large Trachycarpus fortunei from the centre piece of the grass labyrinth and placed them strategically around Oberon’s Palace.

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The middle of the labyrinth is being planted up with El Nino Tulips, Crown Imperials – fritillaria imperiallas aurora and stunning large Alliums “round and purple” this will give a stunning tropical look for next spring.

In the Fitzalan Chapel we are in the process of replacing the old box hedging with Ilex crenata (dark green), which is a form of Japanese Holly.