Cat stuck up 50-foot tree spells double trouble for pet owner

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A pet cat had a lucky escape when he was rescued by firefighters after getting himself stuck up a 50ft tree in a field behind his home.

And for owner Sandie Meadows it was the second time within weeks that one of her pets had cheated death by a whisker - another of her cats is still recovering after swallowing an aerial from the family’s Mini Cooper car.

The latest incident happened when Zeus, a pure-bred Birman cat, went missing from his home in Folders Gardens, Burgess Hill, last Thursday. Owner Sandie said: “By the end of Friday I was starting to get really worried about him.”

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On Saturday morning Sandie went out searching for him in a field behind her garden. “I called for him and, sure enough, he called back,” said Sandie. “I rang the RSPCA who advised me to monitor him in case he could get himself down, but by Sunday morning it was clear that Zeus was in need of some help, and that’s when the Fire Service and RSPCA came out and rescued him.