MP heads '˜back to school' to quiz pupils on the set up of parliament

Harting CE Primary pupils with Gillian Keegan MPHarting CE Primary pupils with Gillian Keegan MP
Harting CE Primary pupils with Gillian Keegan MP
Gillian Keegan MP paid a special visit to Harting CE Primary School.

On Friday, June 15, the Chichester MP was shown around to school by two pupils and told about each year group and what the pupils are studying. She was also introduced to each of the year groups class pets. From tadpoles, to a selection of goldfish, each class pet is individually named. The MP also met a pair of chickens, one of which was whisked out of a class room having managed to break in.

Over the week leading up to the MP’s visit, the school had been studying the role of Parliament, learning about how laws are made and what goes in in the Palace of Westminster. Their work was put to good practice as Gillian was taken into the school hall that had been set up in the style of the House of Commons chamber. Gillian received a promotion and was asked to play the role of Prime Minister, so she took her place on the front bench.

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Harting CE Primary pupils with Gillian Keegan MPHarting CE Primary pupils with Gillian Keegan MP
Harting CE Primary pupils with Gillian Keegan MP

Questions were thrown at the MP from both benches on key issues like improving our environment by tackling plastic and air pollution, and whether we should increase taxes to pay for road investment. Gillian’s answers were well received with both sides of the House, calling “hear, hear”, although by far the loudest cheer of support came in the question on improving animal welfare.

The speaker, a Year Six pupil, kept the chamber on good order, quoting some of Speaker John Bercow’s more famous quips.

Gillian who thoroughly enjoyed her visit, said: “It is amazing to see kids that are so engaged in politics.”