LETTER: Old shipmates

Your lettersYour letters
Your letters
This is a big thank you to the Herald & Gaztte, who, along with other local newspapers across the UK, printed a letter of mine recently, explaining that the best way for those who have served in the Royal Navy to find their old shipmates, was to get in touch with their old Ship’s Association and attend one of the reunions. This would almost certainly lead to reliving the camaraderie they once knew.

Well, thanks to you, the response has been terrific, at the moment I have over 60 Royal Navy Ship’s Association Reunions listed, complete with the first point of contact.

This alone could be an old shipmate!

I have to say a big thank you to all local newspapers.

If any ex-Royal Navy reader missed the first letter, drop me an email [email protected] or [email protected] with brief details of your service and who you are looking for and from which ship, and I will send the latest list through, along with the latest monthly news sheet full of messages.

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This goes to over 400 Ship’s Associations and Royal Naval Association branches.

All done by email so no printing, stationery, or postage and subs.

And if you served on one of the Twelve Blackwood Class Frigates, it looks as if a new association is starting for those.

Get your name on the list – again no subs.

Mike Crowe


Isle of Wight

• Want to share your views? Send your letters by email to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected], or post them to Letters, Editorial, Cannon House, Chatsworth Road, Worthing, BN11 1NA. Remember to include your full name and address.


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