Crowds gathered outside The Rose and Crown pub in Worthing to pay their respectsCrowds gathered outside The Rose and Crown pub in Worthing to pay their respects
Crowds gathered outside The Rose and Crown pub in Worthing to pay their respects

Crowds gather in Worthing for popular publican’s funeral – in pictures

More than a hundred people lined the streets on Friday (April 16), to bid an emotional farewell to a popular publican ahead of his funeral.

Dave Edwards, 73, who owned and ran The Rose and Crown pub in Montague Street, Worthing, for more than 20 years, sadly died on March 30.

Well-wishers bowed their heads and some had a shot of Port outside the pub on Friday, as the cortege passed through the streets before arriving at Worthing Crematorium.

His daughter, Victoria Daly, 48, said she put a post up on Facebook inviting people to come and pay their respects – but only expected about 20 people to turn out.

“There were about 150 people,” she said. “It was emotional – to think that all these people came out for your dad and to see how many people’s lives he touched.”

Read more in today’s Worthing Herald (Thursday, April 22).