Play area in memory of local child gets disabled-friendly equipment

Opening of play park facilities, Lewis Avenue. Photo by Roberts Photographic SUS-190520-072659001Opening of play park facilities, Lewis Avenue. Photo by Roberts Photographic SUS-190520-072659001
Opening of play park facilities, Lewis Avenue. Photo by Roberts Photographic SUS-190520-072659001
The Bexleigh, Hythe and Abbey Residents Association proudly welcome a new DDA (wheelchair accessible) roundabout to their already popular play space opposite Wyevale Garden Centre just off Bexhill Road.

This fully inclusive equipment is the last piece to be added to Sophie’s Play Space - dedicated to Sophie, the daughter of Delia Dee and Tom Spears, who sadly died when she was five months old. Hastings Mayor Nigel Sinden attended a special community celebration at the play park on Sunday.