Hastings migrant arrivals: refugee support groups write to Hastings and Rye MP

Picture: Kevin Boorman SUS-200804-190121001Picture: Kevin Boorman SUS-200804-190121001
Picture: Kevin Boorman SUS-200804-190121001
Refugee support groups have written an open letter to Hastings and Rye MP Sally-Ann Hart after she wrote to the Home Secretary about recent migrant arrivals in the Hastings area.

In the past few months, 52 migrants were detained along the coastline between Hastings and Rye.

Mrs Hart told Home Secretary Priti Patel the recent arrivals have caused ‘deep unease and concern’ for local residents.

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However, in an open letter, representatives of The Refugee Buddy Project: Hastings, Rother and Wealden, Hastings Supports Refugees and Hastings Community of Sanctuary said they were ‘deeply concerned’ that Mrs Hart’s letter did not ‘accurately reflect the situation itself or the feelings of constituents’ in Hastings and Rye.

In the letter, the groups said: “To characterise the issue as ‘migrant crossings’ is to misread the situation. Those seeking refuge are not migrants, they are seeking asylum which is completely different and an important distinction.

“It seems highly unlikely that these boats, which are little more than rubber dinghies, are aiming for Pett Level, but rather are drifting there due to currents and wind direction.

“You suggest the situation ‘is causing deep unease and concern to local residents’. In fact, many of us are deeply concerned that northern France is so unsafe for people seeking refuge that they are risking their lives to make the journey across the Channel. We are also worried about the treatment of those seeking refuge once they arrive on our shores: in particular that they are placed in detention, which is inhumane at the best of times and, given coronavirus, extremely dangerous as the moment. In addition we are not convinced that those seeking refuge will have their claims dealt with fairly.”

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In April, 52 migrants were detained along the coastline between Hastings and Rye after crossing the Channel.

On April 8, 23 migrants were stopped in Hastings and on April 12, a boat carrying 25 men and four women was intercepted as it approached the area.

In her letter to the Home Secretary, Mrs Hart asked for clarification about where the detained were being taken.

The Home Office has previously stated groups taken from boats intercepted between Hastings and Dover were taken to Dover where they would then be transferred to immigration officials.

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The refugee support groups added: “We are glad that you accept that crossing the Channel is incredibly dangerous. We agree.

“Hastings has a long standing and well-respected reputation welcoming people seeking refuge, bolstered by the success of the Vulnerable Person’s Resettlement Programme (formally the Syrian Resettlement Programme).

“We encourage you to speak to the organisations working with and for people seeking refuge in our constituency, because your views do not reflect your constituents who work in this area nor, we believe, Hastings more broadly.

“Many of your constituents volunteer much of their time and resources to support those seeking refuge and we would be more than willing to show you what we do, and how you can support us – your constituents – in that work.”