Rother to auction off Bexhill woodland

Bexhill Town Hall SUS-160804-165750001Bexhill Town Hall SUS-160804-165750001
Bexhill Town Hall SUS-160804-165750001
Rother District Council is hoping to raise around £195,000 by auctioning off several acres of land across the district, including woodland in Bexhill.

The 2.01 acre St Marys Wood, in St Marys Lane, will go under the hammer at The Marriott Hotel in London on May 9.

Plans to auction off the woodland has dismayed Bexhill resident Mike French.

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Mr French, of Pembury Grove, said: “Now we all know that RDC is strapped for cash but this little wood is a delightful oasis of wildlife alive with bird song where many locals like to take their dogs.”