
sedlescombe community friends cheque presentationsedlescombe community friends cheque presentation
sedlescombe community friends cheque presentation
Judy Torrance

Asselton House

A £200 cheque in support of Sedlescombe Community Friends was presented to the chairman-Ralph Dellow by PCSO Demetrius Georghiou on behalf of the Sussex Police, who generously gave this sum from the police property fund.

The next meeting of Sedlescombe Green WI will be in the village hall on Wednesday July 24 when Mr Ray Hale will be talking about saving the Orangutan. Everyone is very welcome to join in the evening for this interesting talk. Doors will be open from 7pm for 7.30pm start.

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Update on the village fair and flower show, Saturday July 27.

One of the arena events for this year will be a fancy dress parade . There will be two classes under sixes and under nines and the costume should reflect the anniversary of the coronation, royal, red , white and blue just to name the obvious but lots of scope here for some imaginative thinking. There will be prizes available in each category so come and join in the fun during the afternoon.

The Battle Observer may have a problem in sending a photographer to the event. Is there anyone who would be willing to come and take photographs on the day that could be used for publication the following week, if so please contact me using the details at the end of this column.

Please try and donation any items suitable for the tombola, these can be dropped off at 2 Forge Cottages, The Green or saleable bric-a-brac can be donated to 4 Streetlands. There will be a cake stall on the day and I know there are lots of good cooks in the village so if you could please donate something towards this stall then please bring your baked goods on the day of the fair.

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Sedlescombe fair and flower show draw tickets priced 50p each are now on sale at Sedlescombe Stores, the Clock House salon and through committee members around the village please ensure you get yours now. We have some great prizes this year including dinner for two at the Brickwall Hotel, grocery hamper from Sedlescombe Stores, hair styling at the Clock House salon, vouchers from Carr Taylor vineyard, Sedlescombe vineyard and Busters of Salehurst, plus more.

Looking ahead on Sunday August 25 at St John the Baptist Church, Sedlescombe there will be a Pimm’s and hymns evening from 6pm to 7.30pm Celebrate summer and join the choir in singing your favourite hymns chosen by you on the night and accompanied by Lily Linden as organist. there will be no charge but a retiring collection at the end of the evening. this is not a formal but fun celebration evening of hymns for everyone and all are welcome to attend.

Another date for your diary is on Wednesday August 28 when there will be a quiz evening in the village hall. Teams of 6 people are invited to take part. Entry is only £6 per person which will include a fish and chip supper, tea or coffee. For further details and to book please call Margaret on 01424 870808.

The St Michaels Hospice open gardens for this week is on Tuesday July 23 at Bardown Oast Farm and Orchard Cottage both in Bardown Lane, Stonegate, TN5 7RL . Entry ticket is £5 to visit both gardens and they will be open to visitors from 10.30am to 4pm raising funds for this good cause. Refreshments, hospice stalls and a number of craft demonstrations will be at Oast Farm. Jill Kay of Bodiam Nursery will also be offering expert advice on coastal plants will as always be available. For further details full programmes are available in Sedlescombe Stores.