Arlington & Berwick

OPEN GARDEN: Camberlot Hall Open Garden, Camberlot Road, Upper Dicker, BN27 3RH. Open tomorrow, Saturday, 11am to 4pm, in aid of St Wilfrid's Hospice. Stalls and refreshments. No entry fee but donations to the hospice please. Any home-made cakes for the teas will be gratefully received. Sunday, 2pm to 5pm, for the National Gardens Scheme. Tea and cake. Adults £5, children free. Saturday August 18, 5pm to 8pm for the National Gardens Scheme. Wine and nibbles. Adults £5, children free. A 3-acre country garden with lovely views towards the Downs created from scratch by the current owner over the last five years and featuring a 30m white border and exotic garden. Parking along Camberlot Road, but some disabled parking available near the house. Most of the garden is accessible by wheelchair. No dogs except assistance dogs please.

ARLINGTON VILLAGE PARTY: (Part of Summer Trifle) tomorrow, Saturday, 7.30pm, Pickhams, Hayreed Lane, Wilmington, tel: 01323 840048 Live music night featuring Dandelion Charm, and Milton Hide. Tickets £7.50 on entry, food and pay bar available.

CHURCH SERVICES: For Sunday are Holy Communion BCP 8am at Alciston; Holy Communion 9.15am at Upper Dicker; Holy Communion 9.30am at Arlington; Holy Communion 9.30am at Selmeston; Holy Communion 11am at Berwick; Holy Communion 11am at Wilmington.

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