
Waldron newsWaldron news
Waldron news
TALK: Regular visitors to the Community Coffee Shop (Tuesday, Friday and Saturday mornings) will have seen some of Philomena Harmsworth’s beautiful sculptural pieces on display and for sale. Tomorrow, Saturday, (at the Coffee Shop at midday) Philomena will be giving a talk called Dancing Vessells bringing some of her work with her. She is a multi-talented artist, combining words and images, painting and sculpture and has published a book which she describes as a piece of artwork in the guise of a book’. Come and meet Philomena and hear at first hand how she works and share the inspiration behind it. Well worth getting the shopping done early.

SPECIALS: String Theory will be making an appearance at The Star on Sunday from 12.30pm with their own particular brand of string-driven swing to make our spring cheery (they suggest). The following weekend we’ll be putting our clocks on an hour (can’t wait) and on Sunday March 31 it will be Mothering Sunday. There will be a special menu at the pub (ask the staff to see it this week, sounds delicious) for you to spoil your Mother with a lovely meal that she hasn’t had to cook herself.

PUB QUIZ: There will be a Mad March Quiz in aid of the Hospices, at the pub on April 1, starting 7.30pm. Cost will be £15 per head, including a two-course supper, raffle and cash prizes. Teams will be of six people as usual and you’re advised to book in advance.

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LENT COURSE: George is running a series of talks and discussions throughout Lent and although it’s part-way through the series, newcomers are still welcome. The series is on Saturday mornings up to and including Saturday April 13 on the theme of Vocation, exploring the subject for those who feel they may have a calling to witness and ministry in whatever form. The meetings are at Culverwood, and start at 10.30am with a light breakfast and continue until noon. Please let George or Mobbs know if you can come and if you are willing to bring something for breakfast (just to help with planning).

SERVICES: This Sunday will be the third in Lent and services will be held at St Bartholomew’s, at 8am for Holy Communion at which George will preside and preach and at 10am for Parish Matins when George will again preside and Tim Hough will preach. Family Support Work (FSW) is asking us to bring items for supper for families in need. The following week’s collection (March 31, Mothering Sunday) will target items of toiletries and household cleaning.