HAODS performers fly away to Neverland in this clever re-telling of a children's classic

Wendy and Peter Pan. Picture by Raymond BaileyWendy and Peter Pan. Picture by Raymond Bailey
Wendy and Peter Pan. Picture by Raymond Bailey
Wendy and Peter Pan by Ella Hickson, Horsham Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society, The Capitol, Horsham, Thursday, August 16

The public loves to see something new made out of something old.

How else do you explain the abundance of remakes and reboots that have hit our cinema screens over the past decade?

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From James Bond to Star Wars to Alice In Wonderland and Jack and the Beanstalk, entertainers seem compelled to dig up old tales or characters and find new ways to use them.

Becca Bracewell as Wendy. Picture by Sam TaylorBecca Bracewell as Wendy. Picture by Sam Taylor
Becca Bracewell as Wendy. Picture by Sam Taylor

And we feel compelled to watch.

This isn’t always successful, of course. The 2016 Ghostbusters flopped horribly and the 2015 film Pan was a garish disaster that failed to do anything interesting with a Peter Pan origin story.

So, with this in mind, I approached Wendy and Peter Pan with trepidation.

The latest HAODS theatrical production is based on Ella Hickson’s re-telling of J.M. Barrie’s classic story with more of a focus on Wendy and her struggles.

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