Newick's NADS tread boards with December comedy

Newick Amateur Dramatic SocietyNewick Amateur Dramatic Society
Newick Amateur Dramatic Society
Nobody’s Perfect is the latest production from Newick Amateur Dramatic Society as they rebuild post-Covid.

The play will run from Wednesday to Saturday, December 6-9 with tickets £9 at Newick Village Hall, BN8 4LY. Curtain-up 8pm. Doors open 7.15pm. Box Office 01825 722359 or 722985 or email [email protected] or at the door. Spokeswoman Barbara Bone said: “NADS has been going for over 90 years and as for everyone and every club and society the Covid years were tough but thankfully we are back and we can even boast some new members, both actors and backstage crew.”

Director David Read said: “With just a cast of four there are lots of lines to learn but it’s such a well-written play the actors are enjoying the experience and creating great characters. My challenge is to get three discrete sets along the width of Newick Village Hall’s stage. Thankfully I have a very talented team of set builders to call upon. The production can also boast for the first time in a long while a mother and daughter on stage, Bev and Sophie Connor.”

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Bev said: “It’s a lovely feeling being in the play with Sophie – great that I get to see her at rehearsals but the main thing is sharing the joys and nerves of being on stage. An oft-heard phrase when we’re practising our lines together is ‘Well if we need it we’ll just have to say ‘Prompt’’ – but of course we’re aiming not to! Sophie added: “Growing up in Newick, I have been to see various NADS performances over the years and have always thoroughly enjoyed them.”