COUNTY NEWS: Man seriously injured in assault after leaving pub

Police SUS-150806-131459001Police SUS-150806-131459001
Police SUS-150806-131459001
A man has been seriously injured in an assault after leaving a pub. Police are appealing for witnesses.

Police and paramedics were called to the incident in Warwick Street at about 2am on Saturday, September 17.

The victim, a 25-year-old local man, was taken to Worthing Hospital with a suspected serious head injury, where he remains under constant observation.

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He had earlier been drinking at The Warwick pub, and upon leaving, was punched to the head from behind, causing him to fall to the ground.

The suspect is described as a white man, about 5ft 11ins, of medium build, and with hair styled with a quiff.

Following the assault, he was seen to run south down an alley towards Bedford Row.

Detective constable Jennie Hutchinson said: “This was a seemingly unprovoked attack on a man who subsequently sustained serious injuries which required emergency treatment.

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“It happened in a busy part of town at a time when a number of people would have been around, and we’re appealing for anyone who may have seen what happened to get in touch.”

Members of the public with any information are asked to contact [email protected] or call 101, quoting serial 140 of 17/09.

Alternatively, people can call independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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