Masked armed robber in raid on village garage

Shell garage, HenfieldShell garage, Henfield
Shell garage, Henfield
A masked robber armed with a claw hammer threatened a garage worker during a robbery at a village petrol station yesterday.

Police say the robber struck shortly before 6am at the Shell garage in Golden Square, Henfield.

He threatened a member of staff and demanded cash from the safe.

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But after several failed attempts to open the safe – on each occasion it was locked for a period of time – the robber fled with a small amount of cash, some tobacco and three cans of Red Bull stuffed into a black bin bag and dark coloured holdall.

Police say the robber may have left in a vehicle which was parked in Hewitts, Henfield.

He is described as white but tanned, about 6ft tall, of stocky build, aged 20-30, with dark eyes and eyebrows. He was wearing a grey balaclava covering his face, a camouflage jacket with the hood up and light coloured jogging bottoms.

Police say the victim was left shaken but unhurt.

Anyone with any information is asked to report it online or call 101 quoting serial 185 of 08/05.

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Alternatively, visit the Crimestoppers website or contact the independent charity anonymously on 0800 555 111.

The robbery is the second violent crime in Henfield over the past few weeks. Thieves ripped an ATM out of a bank wall and stole nearly £90,000 in a ram raid on April 15. Police said a stolen JCB hauled the machine out of the wall of Barclays Bank in High Street, Henfield, in the early hours.