Have we got moos for you - cows invade Worthing United football pitch

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Off to find more mischief
Worthing United FC's ground staff deserve a pat on the back after dealing with an unusual pitch invasion last weekend.

Vice chairman and groundsman Mark Sanderson was woken by a call at 8am last Sunday (July 29) to say that two cows were in the car park and heading towards the pitch, presumably to work on their pass and moo-ve.

“Our fields back onto the South Downs so I gave Farmer George a call and he asked ‘are they a black one and a white one by any chance?’,” said Mr Sanderson.

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“We had someone shut the main gate to keep them in and he said he’d come down to sort it out.”

Off to find more mischiefOff to find more mischief
Off to find more mischief

Mr Sanderson said he was away all day at a charity event but returned to find the cows had left ‘physical evidence’ of their presence on the pitch and around the grounds.

He was not amoosed.

It is unclear how the bovine infiltrators managed to get onto the premises undetected, but there is a chance they may have been wearing cow-moo-flage.

CCTV footage showed the cows really milking their freedom, hanging around the food and drink area and attracting looks from passers-by.

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