Hundreds evacuated amid Worthing blaze fears

HUNDREDS of people had to be evacuated from a shopping centre and office building amid fears of another Worthing blaze.

The fire alarm inside the Environment Agency in Chatsworth Road, went off at 11.20am today (Tuesday, February 19) and staff were told to leave the building.

Shoppers in the adjoining Guildbourne Centre had to be hurried outside by security staff too.

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Many people reported smelling smoke and it had been feared the fire was real.

But when firefighters arrived shortly after 11.30am they found a tool being used by a builder on the second floor of the office building had mistakenly set off the alarm.

The incident follows several real fires across Worthing in the past week.

Properties in Ruskin Road and Arundel Road were both damaged by flames at the weekend, as was much of the timber mountain on Worthing's beach.

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