Hurst Green village voice

The report of the Parish Assembly carried in last week’s column omitted any detailed report of the Chairman’s opening remarks and annual report. This was very upbeat and contained the achievements of the Council which have, in fact, been reported each month.

Apologies are offered to Cllr. Graham Browne for this omission which was due to the late arrival of pen, note book and your correspondent at the meeting.

Graham attends many meetings at various levels in order to serve the village he loves and his report opened the proceedings.

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At the Council meeting the following Tuesday a welcome was extended to Mr. Stuart Hill who subject to confirmation, will become the new Councillor required.

Bob Janes told the Council that the shop survey and other reports are all in order and work is going ahead. The subject of “Child Protection” had to be addressed as laws pertaining to this will apply. Plans for the Jubilee were discussed in more detail and any problems which may be encountered should be dealt with in good time. Stage Field was mentioned as it will feature in the Celebrations . This is one of the highest points in the area and was given to village in 1940 on a 99 year lease. It is of special interest as it houses a nuclear period bunker which would have been used for communications had there been a nuclear attack.

The bunker has been made safe by structural engineers whose report on its condition will be available shortly. This bunker is one of a series throughout the south of England. Amateur radio enthusiasts have been able to use it on occasions. The Stage Field itself during the Napoleon Wars housed a wooded structure which served as a look out for French ships on the coast, so the bunker continued to retain that same defensive role in our national life. Post cards of Hurst Green were also mentioned during the meeting following the recent talk at the Historical Society when it was revealed that such post cards, from past times, are on sale on eBay. It is hoped to obtains some for the achieves.

The monthly meetings of the Council are open to all and those who do attend can witness how hard all the Councillors work for us all. They turn-up without fail with Janet Ellis, the Parish Clerk armed with numerous documents to give information where needed, Sue Prochak carries a library of publications from the District Council which make the head spin with their details of specialist policies for her contributions towards the Council’s deliberations, David Hillbourne is a wizard of finance and clearly spends a great deal of time at home doing very clever sums to keep the Village Council able to balance the books.

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Bob Janes also edits the Parish magazine so is doubly committed.

Other Councillors play their full part in giving so much to Hurst Green,with Graham in the Chair keeping everyone in order and ensuring that the business is carried out in an efficient way.

Another resident to whom thanks are due, the husband of a Councillor although not himself one, is Mr. Robin Cruse. You will catch him frequently tending the garden at the corner of London Road and Station Road. He is modest about his efforts but they do the village a good service and it always is a pleasure to see the flowers by the village sign and you will also find the minutes and Parish notices on the notice board among the flowers.