Motorsport students tackling real speed as Chichester College enters Mini race

Motorsport students at Chichester College with their racecarMotorsport students at Chichester College with their racecar
Motorsport students at Chichester College with their racecar
Chichester College will be in the heart of the racing circuit this summer, as the college prepares to make its debut in the Mini Challenge.

The college is entering its own car for the competition, donated by Sussex Road & Race who will also be supporting the team throughout the race season.

The car will be run by the students on the Level 2 Motorsport Maintenance Diploma, and they will be responsible for maintaining and repairing the vehicle – as well as providing track support during race meetings.

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Student Josh Lednor, 17, is one of the students who form the Chichester College race team. He said: “It’s very exciting. I’m really looking forward to going to the first race.

“Each race, we’ll be looking after the car - making sure it runs well and stays in one piece. We’ll also be prepping it at college before races, and running repairs afterwards.

“It’s just exciting to be involved in going to a real race and getting hands-on experience in the real world.”

Sussex-based rally driver Elspeth Rodgers will be behind the wheel, making her own debut at the competition.

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