KEITH NEWBERY Why you should always be careful what you are wishing for...

Let us give David Cameron the benefit of the doubt '“ even though the benefit has to be considerable because the doubt is so enormous.

Let us assume, for the sake of argument, he really does believe in the Big Society idea and that it is not simply a clumsy attempt to deflect attention from the pain his spending cuts are starting to inflict.

My first concern is that this personal vision had to be re-launched, which rather implies it sank first time round.

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My second concern is the strident tone of exasperation Cameron is beginning to adopt whenever he discusses the subject.

It gives the impression he has already had a tough time getting it through a wary Cabinet and is becoming impatient with the similar scepticism with which it is now being received by the public at large.

My third concern is his use of the word ‘mission’.