LETTER: A long way from Gatwick

More propaganda this week from Gatwick Airport courtesy of Caroline Ansell MP and her participation in the opening of Pier 5 which only serves to take more people out of the UK on holiday.

Mrs Ansell must realise that Gatwick does little to benefit her constituency now so why would she support Gatwick expansion plans as the major airlines do not?

Eastbourne is a long way from Gatwick. The airport is not offering to fund Eastbourne roads or affordable housing, let alone the roads and issues that surround it in Sussex, Surrey and Kent with a lack of schools, hospitals, GPs, affordable housing ... the list goes on!

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The Airports Commission says that the influx of migrating workers to service Gatwick 2 will live in 14 counties, so that is how many extra people on the roads - 100,000 daily?

As to industries moving and bringing prosperity to Eastbourne, please wake up Mrs Ansell - you have been ‘sold a pup’ by your Chamber of Commerce. Eastbourne is too far away from Gatwick or London and what international business will want to set up base in an area that has poor rail and road connections?

Shouldn’t you be attracting tourists to Eastbourne to spend money in the UK, your constituency, instead of supporting the export of UK residents and their money to Europe as Spain is Gatwick’s number one destination?

Sally Pavey

Mayes Lane, Warnham

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