Leader of Adur District Council reacts to lockdown roadmap announcement: “There’s a light at the end of the tunnel”

Councillor Neil Parkin, leader of Adur District CouncilCouncillor Neil Parkin, leader of Adur District Council
Councillor Neil Parkin, leader of Adur District Council
The leader of Adur District Council, who recently fell ill with coronavirus, has said the roadmap out of lockdown looks ‘promising’.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson set out a step-by-step plan for lifting lockdown restrictions yesterday – read more here.

Councillor Neil Parkin said: “Let’s hope it all happens. It’s all very dependent on people not being silly and the numbers continuing to drop.

“But it’s looking promising.

“It should mean it’s a pretty good August.”

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He said it the timescale revealed yesterday would be useful for businesses.

“They can plan ahead – rather than a week’s notice or two week’s notice,” he said.

And while he described the reopening plan as ‘cautious’, he said this was better than moving too quickly.

Mr Parkin said he was looking forward to going out to a local restaurant and going abroad to France when it was possible.

He also revealed that he contracted the virus last month.