Eastergate cricketers set for top-flight test ... Goodwood and Pagham gear up

Eastergate's 2015 team - what will the 2016 season hold for them? Picture by Kate ShemiltEastergate's 2015 team - what will the 2016 season hold for them? Picture by Kate Shemilt
Eastergate's 2015 team - what will the 2016 season hold for them? Picture by Kate Shemilt
Eastergate Cricket Club have launched an exciting sponsorship and fundraising campaign ahead of the new cricket season.

Gold, silver and bronze sponsorship packages are available to individuals and businesses which offer attractive promotional offers, club discounts and profiling throughout the cricket season.

With Eastergate’s first XI looking forward to Invitation League division-one cricket after two successive promotions, the club are raising funds towards the cost of sightscreens and after the successful raising of funds for an electronic scoreboard, cricket square covers, a new wicket-mower and new outdoor nets in recent years.

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The new season opens on Saturday, April 30 with the first X1 and second XI – who have achieved promotion to division six - at home and away respectively to Pulborough’s firsts and second.

At the heart of the Six Villages community, Eastergate CC also run a thriving junior section for boys and girls aged eight to 17 with six level-two qualified coaches.

Many of their junior players have gone on to play at senior level with 85 per cent of the first XI having graduated from the junior section. The club has also achieved and maintained ECB Clubmark accreditation.

If you are interested in finding out more, supporting or joining the club please visit www.eastergate.play-cricket.com or go along to indoor training on Thursday evenings from 5.30pm at the Six Villages Sports Centre.


Goodwood CC held a very well-attended annual meeting.

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Members attending ranged from vice-presidents and former players to current ones and the chairman of Chichester Priory Park.

Goodwood chairman thanked the Duke of Richmond and Lord March for their continued support in allowing the club to play in the magnificent surroundings of Goodwood House and for the increased initiatives that had taken place.

It was a hugely-successfully 2015 on and off the field – whether counted in terms of matches won (72 per cent), matches scheduled at the ground (72), the best financial year for some time, increased membership and social activities and the continued strengthening of ties with Chichester Priory Park at all levels.

Members expressed their thanks to Matthew Beard for his 19 years’ service on the committee as fixture secretary, treasurer, captain and treasurer again. His endeavours were much praised and appreciated by all members. He will be continuing as bar manager and player.

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The awards for 2015 went to: Miles Cup for Batting: Johnny Heaven; Arthur Miles Cup for Bowling: Matthew Geffen; Steve Miles Club Shield: Steve Dudman; John Heyworth Comedy Award: James Mayne; Bat with a Hole (most ‘0’s): Steve Dudman (4).

The following were elected to the committee for 2015: chairman Richard Geffen, vice-chairman Tim Odell, secretary Tony Gammon, treasurer Steve Dudman, captain James Mayne, fixture secretary Steve Miles. They will be joined by the club welfare officer Tim Pitman.

All fixtures are now sorted for 2016 and the club will be having pre-season nets on Tuesday, March 29 and Tuesday, April 5 from 6pm to 7.45pm.

Any new members who wish to go to nets and join the family-friendly club to play Sunday cricket are most welcome and should contact the captain James Mayne at [email protected] – NatWest Cricket Force session will be on Sunday, April 3, at 2pm at the ground.


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Pagham Cricket Club are going out to the business community, looking for sponsors and local firms who want to enjoy watching adult and youth cricket and socialising.

Pagham CC have two senior sides who play on Saturdays, plus a Sunday team called The Nonchalants. They also have seven junior teams, aged from eight upwards.

The expanding club are looking to improve facilities at their Nyetimber Lane ground, including a long-term aim of raising £40,000 to replace old practice nets.

Richard Drake, Pagham youth co-ordinator, said: “The young cricketers get so much enjoyment playing for Pagham CC and would benefit immensely from improved facilities and equipment, so any sponsorship will be wonderful.”

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They are running a sponsors’ draw, with tickets £100 each. The ten winning businesses will benefit from one of ten sponsorship opportunities, including shirt sponsorship for the seniors and youths.

All businesses who enter will feature in the club’s fixture booklet and can get involved in the annual awards evening and other social events, plus the chance to play in a sponsors’ day cricket match.

The first Pagham CC annual sponsors’ draw is taking place at the clubhouse on Saturday, March 19, with activities starting at 4.30pm.

Visit www.paghamcricketclub.co.uk or email [email protected]

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